A three-week series
developed by the Virginia Commonwealth University’s Department of Gerontology, The Longevity Project for a Greater Richmond and Senior Connections.
Three Tuesday evenings in April 2022 will be spent online with VCU gerontologists, providers, and researchers in an attempt to explore some of the latest trends in gerontology. Community members, students, and professionals were invited to learn and grow together. All sessions are offered online and free of charge to community members and professionals.
Join us in these interactive virtual sessions through the exploration of the latest trends in gerontology!
Profiles in Elder Advocacy
April 5, 2022
6:00 – 7:30 PM Eastern Time
Transforming Conditions for the Direct Care Workforce
April 12, 2022
6:00 – 7:30 PM Eastern Time
Longevity: New Opportunities and Creative Contributions
April 19, 2022
6:00 – 7:30 PM Eastern Time
Ayn Welleford, MS (Gerontology), PhD, AGHEF
Associate Professor
Gerontologist for Community Voice
Department of Gerontology, College of Health Professions
Virginia Commonwealth University
Co-Lead, Longevity Project for a Greater Richmond
Gigi Amateau, MS, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Gerontology, College of Health Professions
Virginia Commonwealth University
Director of Research and Evaluation
Longevity Project for a Greater Richmond
Jay White, EdD, MSG
Director of Education and Outreach
The Longevity Project for a Greater Richmond
VCU Department of Gerontology
Profiles in Elder Advocacy
The aging and disability services system is a complex network of many people, parts, and organizations. Any complex system, by nature, is inclusive of cultures, philosophies, goals, and processes. In our system, we might argue that each element of the system holds the same aim of improving the lives of America’s elders. Yet even in a system where the larger goal may be philanthropic, issues of power, privilege, voice, and silencing often exist. Where issues of power, privilege, and silencing are present, there is an opportunity to advocate for change. We may advocate for change in our own lives. We may advocate within one or many systems. We may advocate formally or informally and at multiple levels. If we see ourselves as empowered changemakers and equip ourselves with the right tools, each of us can find our own unique calling as Elder Advocates.
April 5, 2022
6:00 – 7:30 pm Eastern Time
Transforming Conditions for the Direct Care Workforce
COVID-19 has exacerbated the long-term care sector’s shortage of personal care aides, home health aides, and certified nursing assistants. Long before the pandemic stressed the system, advocates and workers called for greater support, recognition, and respect for the primarily female workforce that provides the majority of hands-on care to older adults and people with disabilities.
Join us for a conversation that explores these issues, celebrates direct care providers, and gets both practical and poetic with thoughts on forging a new, sustainable, and just pathway for the workforce.
April 12, 2022
6:00 – 7:30 pm Eastern Time
Interested in learning more about the advance CNA:
Dementia Friends is a global movement that is changing the way people think, act, and talk about dementia. Developed by the Alzheimer’s Society in the United Kingdom, the Dementia Friends initiative is underway in Virginia.
PHI’s Caring for Our Future report:
Longevity: New Opportunities, Creative Contributions
Encore career… following your nose…pursuing a childhood dream… making a bucket list. Opportunities to pursue second and third careers, meaningful volunteer work, and lifelong learning offer each of us many chances to define and redefine purpose, meaning, and fulfillment throughout our lives.
Join us for a joyful, lively discussion with panelists who are creatively contributing through new opportunities in later life.
April 19, 2022
6:00 – 7:30 pm Eastern Time
Cas Overton, Feldenkrais Movement Instructor,
Naima Wares-Akers, Vocational Specialist